Our cluster has been participating in the European Regional Smart Specialization Strategy for Safe and Sustainable Mobility Industrial Modernization Platform since this January by representing the Zala region.
This cooperation aims to improve the competitiveness of the participating regions, and to coordinate the individual regional development concepts on international level. This cooperation platform has been initiated by three regions: Ile de France (Paris), Aragón and Bavaria and – with the support of the European Commission (DG MOVE, DG GROW) – assisted by the ReConfirm advisory team. Other participating regions: Castile-Leon (Spain), Eindhoven (Brabant Region, Netherlands), Gävleborg (Sweden), Helsinki-Uusimaa (Finland), Normandy (France), Navarra (Spain), Groningen (Netherlands), Orebro (Sweden), Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg, Germany), Zala (Hungary). Cooperation can be an effective tool for European industry to maintain Europe’s leading industrial position while maximizing industry growth and employment. The participating regions work on the following five regional priorities: smart vehicles, smart infrastructure, sustainability mobility, safe mobility, data.