Our cluster participated in the 10th Infotér Conference, which, in close professional cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, wants to focus on transport, especially the possible interfaces of artificial intelligence, which have been mentioned so often. They aim to explore the opportunities and dangers involved and to deal with the effects it has had and will have on society and our daily lives. Speakers at the conference presented the trends, domestic and international developments and good practices in this area. They examined the possible consequences of accelerated development, the opportunities and tasks of state administration (as a regulatory and incentive area) and market players. In the day zero of the 10th Infotér Conference our cluster participated in two panel discussion on the – mobility and artificial intelligence section:
Mobility and innovation: innovation opportunities and integration trends in mobility
Mobility and digital infrastructure – how mobility infrastructure of the future is formed
You can read more here: https://konferencia.infoter.eu/