Recruiting partners at the EIT Urban Mobility East Hub information meeting

Our cluster participated in this years first f2f East Hub information meeting at the Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen. The objective of this meeting was to introduce the Call for Proposal – Business Plan of 2021 – of EIT Urban Mobility and to start the preparation of the match-making event that will take place in Eindhoven. On the second day of this event the EIT UM partners had the chance to know the participating institutes of the NFF / TU Braunschweig through short pitch presentations. We also had the opportunity to take an open tour of the NFF facilities and demonstrator vehicles with parallel driving demonstrations (Highway Chauffeur – automated Volkswagen driving on a nearby motorway, intelligent garage for Automated Valet Parking). The partners of the EIT UM gathered and talked intensively about their visions and next steps for a better use of urban space in the future.