INTernationalisation for Autonomous Driving actors (INTonomous) is a 24-months project aiming at supporting SMEs active in autonomous driving to go international on identified strategic markets. In line with COSME’s challenges and scope, INTonomous will: - build a European collaborative network of SMEs based on opportunities on all sectors and topics related to autonomous driving, technological and commercial complementarity, and developing European competitiveness ;
- Give opportunities to these SME's to better understand identified strategic international markets and train them to access these countries (1. Canada, 2. USA, 3. United Arab Emirates)
- organise for them targeted missions to the selected countries and give them the opportunity to understand the market on real site as well as to access strategic key players and relevant partners. This will be done thanks to two phases.
Phase 1: an acceleration program made of services and activities answering to the companies identified needs and ambitions, that will provide European SMEs with the right tools to go to these specific countries.
Phase 2: International missions focused on specific SMEs needs and designed to help them foster international collaborations and close business and technological deals abroad. These missions will help them access companies and start-ups in the targeted World Regions. INTonomous will help the participating clusters to create contact with relevant partners abroad and create a supportive network for autonomous driving actors. INTonomous is lead by 6 clusters representing 6 European countries: France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Hungary and Czech Republic.

Project members:
ZONE Klaszter (Magyarország)
- Mov’eo (Franciaország)
- Fondazione Torino Wireless (Olaszország)
- Media Evolution Southern Sweden AB (Svédország)
- BWCON GMBH (Németország)
- Moravskoslezsky Automobilovy Klastr OS (Csehország)