The goal of the RECiPE4Mobility project is to strengthen cluster management excellence while facilitating strategic connections between clusters and specialised ecosystems across Europe. The partnership will focus on enhancing cluster management skills towards the generation of added-value support services for SMEs, developing comprehensive strategies and implementation roadmaps and organising twinning, networking and learning activities and implementing collaboration activities. By developing new competences, innovative services, competitive networks and resource-efficient solutions, clusters will better support the scaling-up of European ecosystems during the project and in the long run, notably by boosting the competitiveness of European SMEs. As a project member, Zone Cluster is responsible for developing the common European cluster strategy.
The ClusterXchange programme is a new pilot programme to support short-term exchanges to better connect Europe’s industrial ecosystems. It aims to facilitate transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation uptake between actors of different industrial clusters. It is implemented with support from cluster organisations that have teamed up in ESCP-4x partnerships, like RECiPE4Mobility.
Exchanges can be used to:
Learn from actors in another cluster;
- Explore growth opportunities in new markets;
- Take up new technologies, digitalisation and green low-carbon solutions;
- Invest in strategic interregional collaboration.
Participants (visitors and hosts) of a transnational exchange can be representatives of cluster organisations and business network organisations, scaling-up support organisations (such as tech centres, research institutes, (digital) innovation hubs, fab labs, creative hubs, resource-efficiency service providers, incubators, accelerators) and SMEs that are cluster members from countries participating in the COSME programme.

Project members:
ZONE Klaszter (Hungary)
- Mov’eo (France)
- E-Mobility Cluster Regensburg (Germany)
- AutomotiveNL (Netherlands)
- Mobinov (Portugal)