Regrouping Mobility clusters to develop Skills and Exchange
The REMOBILISE project (standing for REgrouping MOBILIty clusters to develop Skills and Exchange) was officially launched in February 2022. It is a 24-months project pursuing the overall objectives of strengthening cluster management excellence while facilitating strategic connections between our clusters and our specialized ecosystems and cities across Europe, in the sector of mobility. REMOBILISE takes input from the RECiPE4MOBILITY (link a az oldalon ehhez a projekthez) project from the ongoing generation of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4x).RECiPE4MOBILITY project from the ongoing generation of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Excellence (ESCP-4x).
4 Main Objectives
The REMOBILISE consortium is composed of 5 European clusters, based on a fair balance between competences, expertise and maturity levels, both at organisational and regional levels: